Verloving Beatrix en Claus

Engagement Beatrix and Claus

The weather was not really cooperative this day. From the official residence of Mayor Van Hall, the cruise through the canals and ports was scheduled to begin. However, long before the start a large group of interested people was waiting on the doorstep and opposite the official residence. As soon as Princess Beatrix and her fiancee appeared, the group started chanting 'Oranje boven, long live Trix and Claus'. The princess received more flowers from the audience than she was able to carry. Streamers were thrown on and around the couple. The princess even still had a piece of green streamer in her hair when the group entered the 'John F. Kennedy' canal boat, which was decorated with flowers.

Waving, while holding arms, princess Beatrix and prince Claus embarked on their cruise through the Amsterdam waters.

Kennedy verloving Beatrix en Claus